Talent who is not afraid of failure and actively
pursues work with conviction and will
Talent who always looks at problems from
a new perspective and applies creative
thinking and behavior to practice
Talent who devotes themselves to the
company and customers based on a sense
of ownership and responsibility
Talent who shares the direction with other
organizations and communicates actively with
others based on an open mind
Talent who develops expertise by utilizing global
networks based on understanding of other cultures and respect for diversity
In order to strengthen performance-oriented stance and reflect and realize the group's core values, we conduct an annual evaluation by classifying them into performance and capabilities. (Evaluation results are used in all areas of personnel management, such as promotion and compensation)
We operate a promotion point system to determine the basic qualifications of candidates for promotion by assigning points according to the evaluation results and to improve the predictability of employees' promotion.
Salary in the nature of living security, maintenance of wage competitiveness outside the company
Qualification allowance, domestic site allowance, overseas site allowance, etc.
Discrimination in reward based on performance